We do work on weaknesses here as well. DS really dislikes writing, one because of comments on his handwriting which isn't so neat when hes trying to do something rapidly, and two because he struggles to get the large thoughts out of his head onto paper in the form they want them in school ( ie write a few details about x picture....instead of writing the boat is green, he wants to write the boat is painted a green color and is floating atop the ocean as the waves crash against it) Since writing seems to be such an important portion of school this year I have started doing a writing workbook with him on weekends and on nights he doesn't have homework to get him more into doing it in shorter amounts of time as they need to do at school. Because he is so far ahead in everything else, his lack of writing stands out a lot more than it would regularily and I don't want it to impede him in future options because you cannot get away from writing, so I feel its necessary to help him improve his skills.
We allow him to work on more advanced math on his own online and in his workbooks as he enjoys doing that in free time.