Yeah, we've been very lucky (and very happy) with this school! Sometimes it's hard to come up with a solution, but they keep at it until they do.

What's really amazing is that DS is the one breaking them in on the whole thing -- they really have never had a kid like him, ever. They have a GT program, but it's ordinary GT, not like him. In fact, I was shocked last week to hear that they have never sent an elementary kid to the middle school for anything! But in spite of that, they don't treat it as a thing like "it's never happened, so it never will." It's just a matter of what is right for this kid, not what's been right for others. And as soon as he started first grade (after they gave him the WJIII and skipped him over kindergarten), they started educating themselves on his type of GT and the 2E things, reading books and going to seminars and everything. So he's been a trailblazer for anybody else who comes along behind him!