This might be a bit OT, but I wanted to ask. My dd's teacher told me today that children don't start to develop more mature social skills until they start to loose their teeth (she thought dd was just start to loose her teeth and this was her explanation for some issues we're having, which are actually related to dd's exceptional social skills and ability to fit in anywhere rather than poor social skills). DD 5.5 started loosing her teeth over 18 months ago, so this was an easy argument to refute, but I have heard other teachers say this too. Is this just a myth (which is seems to be to me) ? I have searched the internet and the journal databases I have access to and can't find a thing on it, which leads me to believe that it is.

I can see how for an ND child, who lost their teeth at an average age, the loss of teeth would probably occur at the same time as they were developing more mature social skills, but I know ND kids who lost teeth early who are developing emotionally at a 'normal' pace, so it seems to me a causal link would be unlikely.

Last edited by Giftodd; 08/23/11 02:12 PM.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke