Originally Posted by TwinkleToes
Good Luck, DeHe. What is your son's personality like?

Interesting question and hard to quantify. He is rather mixed! He is a voracious quester
for knowledge. He is always reading, looking, investigating or thinking or he is pretending and making up elaborate worlds. And he thinks about such interesting things and makes really neat connections. He is afraid of lots of things but is getting better, hates loud noises likes crowds or magic shows. He gets lost in his head to the extent that he walked in front of the swings 4 times in about 20 minutes last weekend and he was not being defiant. In social settings he is first reserved, he has to warm up, but likes being social. He is very attuned to others yet not terribly empathetic. Loves adults, especially teachers. He's a rule follower and well behaved but can be uber stubborn. With kids, he plays great with older kids, like his cousins, but gets bored easily with age-mates, then gets very bossy and directive. I told him once that being friends meant the other person got to do what they wanted some of the time and he said totally seriously that what they wanted to do was never interesting. Pre-k was such a poor fit! He also seems to have some "godfather" in him, in that he was reluctant to let kids who had wronged him have a second chance and wanted revenge. Not for petty things but big things, like the girls who told him he couldn't play with them. He is never offensive, doesn't hit or is mean, but in defense was incredibly persistent. He was damaged in ways we could not have imagined by these mean little girls. He's got some quirks, like not liking tags, he can't stay on the chair during dinner but he can really concentrate when its something he is interested in - and he somehow loses his hearing at those times too! He paces when he talks or imagines but sits incredibly attentively at circle time or any activity. he might need something for his hands - they seem to always need to be touching something (or someone) in an absent way. He has perfectionist traits but is learning that learning is not always instantaneous. He also thinks he should be an adult in skills and also in opportunities. He both respects our authority and thinks he should have equal say.

He has a huge sunny smile and is almost always smiling - although when concetrating, gets a furrowed brow! He is happy and chooses to be happy over sulky, but always needs new inputs.

I could keep going!!!
