Well, so much for follow through.
After such a great start about how excited the school was about getting the chance to help educate DD, the person in charge of making the decision let it fall off the plate and didn't do what was needed to allow this to happen.
Somehow he went from completely understanding how this was a great idea and he was completely behind it to having issues with the "mature subjects" that DD would be exposed to in conversation with 6th graders! Ultimately he decided that she was too young to be put into 6th grade classes! We are so disappointed and frustrated. frown
I could go on and on, but I won't - suffice it to say that all of our prepping of DD to be going into 6th grade and going to a new school and her actually doing the summer work for the classes she was going to have was a waste.
DH will now be doing full-time home schooling. He's a bit nervous about it, and not sure how it will all work out with a 3 yr old hanging around too, but I'm sure it will all work out.
The language arts teacher has said she will work with DH on her curriculum, so at least that part will still be working.