I'm having a hard time picking the right toys and stuff for DD. I got lucky and she was obsessed with this ring stacker toy for awhile when she was 3 or 4 months. She'd spend 45 minutes taking it a part and playing with it.

Now, I feel like I'm just not getting it and I don't want to waste money on toys. We had a jack in the box that I put away because she didn't get it a few months ago. Well, in the meantime she figured out this more complex jack in the box type toy that has buttons to push. She figured out how to push the buttons and then close the lids so she could keep pushing them. So, today I took out the other toy finally and she looked at it twice and abandoned it.

At the moment, it seems like the only thing that keeps her attention for any period of time is something new. A toilet paper roll, a wooden spoon with a metal bowl, everything I am touching or holding. But even if I give her these things, she cares about them for only a 10-20 minutes and then they are worthwhile in the play room for a few days before she is done with them. Plus, she puts everything in her mouth. I keep finding paper in her diaper. frown

We just did a game where I hid two cards with a circle and a square, ask her to find one and she'd excitedly find it. I was letting her play with tiny things for a few minutes because of her obsession with buttons, but I have to watch she doesn't put them in her mouth.

I think she'd love to just crawl around the whole house, but it isn't safe and I'd be worried she'd find things to choke on. I am going nuts! Is this just normal toddler stuff once they get moving? I need a break or I'm going to cave and turn on Word World again.

And, is this for real? http://www.earlyinterventionsupport.com/parentingtips/behavior/attentionspan.aspx
Maybe I expect too much...