This post may be disjointed. I have a lot of thoughts on this.

I wonder how many of your kids sleepwalk. I wonder if it is related to health issues, or future health (or sleep) issues.

My 6 year old came down the stairs last night, spoke to me, and let me carry her back to bed - - all while sleeping. It scared me a little. She spoke to me but never looked me in the eye. She was apparently confused that she couldn't find the "door" she was looking for.

I read a bit about it today and in doing so, had memories of my parents talking to each other about my own sleepwalking. I also have sleep issues. I attributed these sleep issues to my dd's sleep problems at birth (she had damage to the sleep centers of her brain). We worked w/a DAN doc, did all the biomedical treatments and she is fine today (more than fine - thanks to that wonderful doctor whom I love like my own father.)

But it's interesting how this is all related somehow. And I realize that my own sleep issues did not really begin with the birth of dd, but only escalated then. I worry that she will carry some kind of sleep problem with her throughout life. frown

All unnecessary worries, I know.

I guess I really just wonder if this is more common among the gifted population.

Isn't it amazing how your own kids really bring up all your own "stuff"?