She's a private psychologist (PhD) who specializes in pediatric psychometric testing, and sees patients out of her one-person office. She sees mostly kids from two international schools in our area.

Most of those students go to the private community health clinic where multiple doctors of many kinds see international patients on a regular basis for all sorts of things. We chose to go private for this to get an appointment sooner, and to get access to the info faster, as we were told might be possible.

I didn't see this reply as curt; just not very helpful to me.

This is a typical sort of response for teachers, doctors and most other professionals here. No nice bedside manner, smiles or thorough explanations. It's just how they do things, and I generally ignore that sort of thing now.

I don't know anything concrete; I posted the WISC IV scores (I only have what I guess are called the composites) under the Twice Exceptional section a few days ago. VCI: 144, PRI: 136, PSI: 88, WMI: 89. No idea of the subtest scores yet.

I suspect he may be gifted; I think she thinks he may be, too and also that he may have something like dysgraphia and need an OT consult for that. He may have ADD, like his previous teacher suspected and wanted us to evaluate for. No real idea yet.

I would like to have the report before school starts, at least, even if we can't get back in to see her and hear her sum it up for us in person. She said she does this summing up at the end of every evaluation--but only AFTER the report is complete and we have a chance to see it.