We had the meeting this morning and it went very well. He is going to check the amount of trig. needed and if there is room in the class he will let her in!!!! It is held in a planetarium and there are a limited amount of seats. Degree seeking students have priority to the class and as it stands right now the class is full. However, on the second week of classes if a space becomes available and DD13 is there and there is no degree seeking student trying to add the class, then she gets the spot. He also said that if there is no spot he will create a project for her to do within the planetarium which we can make into an independent study class!!!! It was pretty sweet, prior to the meeting we went to a park so that DD2 could play. Well DD13 played to.. I wondered what would happen if the professor could see her ten minutes prior to the meeting. She still has a lot of kid in her but is able to act according to environment. Tomorrow we meet with an English professor.....