It's the Jack McKee book "Woodshop for Kids" that we have (we still like it a lot): http://giftedissues.davidsongifted....rch/true/woodworking_book.html#Post51862

There was also a thread a while back called Gifted Builder or something like that--I'll see if I can find it....

Here it is:

We like take-apart here, too--Frenchie's habit of never throwing anything away has come in handy! Lots of supplies for new projects (old 8-track players and such!)... (ETA a safety tip--we always cut the plugs off of anything electrical, so that if they put stuff back together again, they can't plug it in, just in case they didn't put it back together again correctly.)

Last edited by minniemarx; 08/03/11 06:07 PM.