OK, I feel a little better now CAMom.... I deleted my earlier post because all of a sudden I felt like a horrible mom for letting my 7yo have free access to the internet and YouTube! He is within hearing/viewing distance in a central location, and so still monitored. We have had discussions about bad language coming up in some of the Minecraft demos he watches. That's pretty much the worst thing that DS finds, and he does turn those off when he finds them and knows to not go back to the videos created by the worst offenders. Interestingly, DS has commented that the guys (teens) with the worst language have had the most boring videos anyway.

As for age of kids getting their own computer, depends on the kid and the family. I am not sure yet what age I'd let my kiddo be truly independent with a computer not monitored by his parents. If we did get DS a computer, it would still be centrally located at this point in his life.