As someone who attended a fiercely competitive exam school, and is also 2E, I would really hate to have my school experience reduced to my ability to perform on the SAT! My SATs were good, and good enough to get me where I wanted to go to college, but it had nothing to do with my school. My SAT scores went up due to Princeton Review - my achievement tests scores are entirely related to actually attending my school and the fabulous educational opportunities finally experienced in high school.

I understand the rationale of comparing those who got in with those who did not in terms of data that is readily available to the researchers. But it totally misses the point of these schools - what these schools provide is the opportunity for breadth and depth of subject in an environment where it is acceptable to be smart and to enjoying learning. the SAT tests none of that.

Letting go of enormous pet peeve now and stepping down of the soapbox . .. smile
