I'm not a teacher.

From a parent's perspective: please stay away from using Every Day Math, aka EDM, as the core of ANY program, gifted or not. The spiralling back method, where weeks later the kids are asked to "recall" what they did back then, and apply it to what they are being newly introduced to right now, does not seem to work with most kids. At least, not for math.

Plus, I HATE the seeming reliance on calculators in that program, for young kids.

DS8 still has issues, having used EDM at his old school for Grades PS, K, and 1.

I am not familiar with Singapore Math.

The G&T program here is basically IEP/pull-outs for PG kids, and giving kids who are advanced or superior, but not PG, extra work to do while the teacher works with others in class. The extra work seems to be busy work, as only the "real" work, same as the others do, counts towards any grades.

FASTT Math and MathMasters online, self chosen, self directed, are a daily part of my son's math lessons in his school.

I think I am going to ask about Singapore Math at his school.