So I mentioned that DS has been acting out the last ten days. I forgot - aren't we supposed to be calling it 'positive coping behavior?' Of course my first thought is that this is his first vacation since December, and he just completed 3 major projects and the school play with rehearsals to 5 pm the week before, so he's probably worn out.

Over the year I have had my doubts about if the school is really providing 'enough' intellectual stimulation, as his observed homework time was quite low, and his GPA is 85. But now that I see all these 'major projects' coming together, I feel that he is getting his time's worth as far as intellectual challenge beyond the organizational challenge.

Since October, I've been hearing comments like, "I'm just a regular kid, keep your learning ideas away from me." and "All you think about is Gifted!" So I've been extra sure to back off with the Afterschooling ideas. At dinner, DH was talking about a Lego Leauge club at the public school and asked if DS's school had one.

"Yes, It's called the Social Suicide Club." was the sarcastic reply.

So I told myself that I can't have my cake and eat it too. I want him to integrate socially in his new grade and school, so if that's how the other kids see it, then it's a good step that he's mimicing them. Of course it broke my heart to think that that was his surroundings. (Next year we're trying a different school.)

Anyway, lately DS has been begging to afterschool, and complimenting my tutoring skills, even as he's needing consequences for his behavior left and right. He has pretty much given up on forming more than ok-aquaintainces at his current school, which is so sad for him. But I'm having so much fun learning with him again!

So what I'm getting around to is: When your children go through an Intellectual Growth Spurt, is that also sometimes accompianied with 'falling down' unacceptable behavior during the same general time period?


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