Our son isn't extremely sensitive emotionally. (Auditory sensitivity is another matter).

Anyway, that being said, he's been sheltered from "scary" shows on TV and DVD. His last fear was of the Thomas the Train DVD's and their unhappy faces. He still doesn't like Thomas...

Now that he's going to be in preschool in the fall and for the first time away from me, we decided it's time to teach him about appropriate and inappropriate touching and, in general, who to trust.

I bought the book: I Said NO! A Kid-to-Kid Guide to Keeping Private Parts Private by Zack and Kimberly King


Stranger Safety (DVD) created by John Walsh & Julie Clark

He has read the book twice with me and seen the DVD once. I know they impacted him.

He seems afraid to watch the DVD again and hasn't picked up or asked for us to read the book again.

Should we drop this? Is the little bit of instruction going to be enough? Am I worrying too much about this? (Yes, I'm apprehensive about leaving him with strangers!)

P.S. He had a nightmare the night we watched the DVD. The first one in a few months.