we (I and my DD6) were reading that book this weekend, she did not have any problem in reading, but subject of single parent, loneliness and other 'world full of aching heart' subject, by the end of penultimate chapter she was telling "this is kind of boring, I think we should finish this book soon" we finished by 9PM. I can tell she did not enjoy that becuase of the subject. Then she picked up geronimo stilton book, fieldtrip to niagara and she read that book completely by 10.30- 11pm and slept. She seemed enjoyed reading geronimo book so much

I felt that it was either age thing (just turned 6) or maturity thing (she is born as adult, we feel), or lack of illustrations (she prefers) just putting it here to hear comments and similar experiences from forum

Last edited by yannam; 07/19/11 08:50 AM.