Just curious what you do for at home learning...

He is almost 9 and a newly identified 2e kid. We have been working on learning to type and it seems to be going okay. We are reading some Life of Fred books and this also seems to be going well.

Today I gave him a book from the library on Greek Mythology to read in the car for an hour long car ride - he ate it up. He has read 13 stories (about third of the book) of different Greek Gods and Myths.... I am sure it will be the first thing he asks for in the morning, he was excited to leave a birthday party today to get back in the car to read more!!

My question is how do I channel this excitement and enthusiasm? Should I just let him discover it on his own and leave it at that? Should we work on small projects, what kinds? Do a bit of research? Let him pick a couple of "Gods" and learn more about them? I absolutely love that he loves to learn about so much stuff, should I let him hold the cards and decide what he would like to do?

I don't want to turn him off by making it too "school like".

I have posted this here because you all have such great input and I like it here!!! ...and he has a very low processing speed and doing any written work will met with resistance (too school like) as written output is a huge hurdle for him. Though he does love to tell stories... hmmm maybe I should get him to tell (and I will scribe) his own made up myth and maybe even create his own "God" - that seems like a something that would be up his alley for sure.... then maybe I will get him to type the story?

How do you guys handle this kind of thing? I just don't know how "structured" I should make this? What works for you? How much "learning" do you do over the summer? How much time is spent on it and is it an everyday thing, weekends only or very structured like everyday between 6:00 and 8:00 learning is done?

Any and all input is greatly appreciated!!!