Not logistics. If what is best for the girls is different schools, I'll make that happen. After all, the charter school is already the most geographic nightmare and we do it. After much debate about that commute, I decided it isn't convenient but neither is pregnancy or having kids so...

My fear about bis sis's school not offering K is it might have been a great option for dd#2's k because the median or average age in the room would be younger than many other options (while the upper grades fill with kids id'ed or struggling without gt programs the k class is folks who didn't know if there kid was ready for k get tested and realize they are more than ready). Anway, that's the reason for the UG.. plus i know the school won't blink an eye about early entrance. now it is an option but 60% chance+ that that class won't happen.

If we moved it isn't about getting the kids in the same school. It would be to get into a school district that offers self contained (ability grouped) gifted classrooms. We do not have this in our public district - so we drive an hour round trip to a charter school that does ability group for HG/EG dd#1.
Originally Posted by Dottie
It was a necessary "hardship" for us to get DS into K early...and yes, one that shouldn't be ruled out. But it does come with negatives.

I don't envy your decision making there Kickball! The idea sometimes of shooting for "least worst" unfortunately comes up a lot. It is a full time job at times!

Hear you. The best advice we got last year from a teacher in our family was 'there is no perfect school' just find the best suited for you from your options and embrace it.