My dd started reading at 2.5 (recognizing the jobs and names on the job board at school) and then stopped. By kindergarten she had dug in her heels and effectively said "I'm not doing that".She found out one of her friends read "better" than she did, and decided she would be a math person instead. Ha! The teacher pulled me aside and told me she had better get going, so I bought all these Bob books, and pretty stickers, thinking we could sticker the book each time she read it, as I figured we'd be reading each a bunch of times. A motivational tool. smile

I sat her down on the couch with the books and she gave me this "oh, no, not this reading thing again" look. She then read all the books-once- and went over and grabbed a story book off the shelf. I guess she didn't like stumbling over words aloud in the classroom, or the books were just too dull or something.

I remember asking her 1st grade teacher how the reading was going, with some concern on my face, and she looked at me like I had two heads. Apparently the summer between K and 1st dd became a VERY competent reader.

We laugh about it now. Dd thinks it's hysterical.

Last edited by herenow; 07/17/11 07:17 AM.