We very recently signed up with Manga High (free, for now). Mixed feelings about it so far. It has a collection of maths games, inc. Prodigi which are "straight" multiple choice collections which adapt in level (get so many right, get given harder questions, get two wrong, get given easier ones). They have a concept of getting medals for high performance and there's also a ranked class list for each game - be aware that they make your child's full real name available (to other users of the site) in this list; I couldn't possibly suggest that you lie about it if you mind this. My DS7 loves a game called Sigma Prime where you have to shoot prime numbers at incoming shooting stars in order to disintegrate (factor) them, and hated one called Bidmas Blaster that involved easy sums but scary game play requiring better fine motor skills than either he or I have.

We started using ALEKS when DS was 5, which was cheaper than most alternatives then (it was before open enrollment or we might have considered EPGY). There are several threads around about ALEKS compared with other options.

Pretty much anything you do is going to get your DD ahead of the class she'll later join, which is potentially a problem, although if it's a problem you're going to have anyway or if she's clamouring for it, you might decide that doesn't matter. I'd certainly say it isn't necessary unless she's making it necessary, though!

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