I hadn't thought about pushing him physically, since I'm not really sure knowing how to ride a bike or skip rope is really all that important a life-skill. As for swimming, he WILL be pushed on that because I DO consider that a safety skill. It's just not my parenting style to force things when I figure he will eventually do them. (Which explains why he was a late potty-trainer, I suppose!)

Interesting your son said that, though. Maybe for boys (stereotype coming) it's more important to be able to keep up in that department. I'll ask my husband his opinion on it. OT/PT is an option for him, but knowing DH, he will want to push our son more before we go that route.

We're in the US. My confusion over the testing comes from reading on here about I.Q. tests for little ones. I didn't know if that is given by the schools upon entrance or exit. I will definitely consider going to a psychologist for a test before Kinder if he keeps up his mini-leaps in ability.

Thanks for your insight and the book recommendation.