It's nothing, but you're certainly welcome. I'm hoping people will come along and give you useful information on top of those links. It's just hit me what a huge number of books and other resources those sites give you, so I'm hoping that people come along and mention which they've found most useful so that you can narrow your search and not waste too much time.

One book that I found most useful because of my particular situation with our son was Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom, by Susan Winebrenner. Developing Math Talent, by Susan Assouline, seems to be well-regarded here, but I haven't read my copy yet. blush I can't provide much first-hand experience on developing a curriculum, as I've sort of just skipped around with DS5, but hopefully someone here can.

It would be cool if this thread eventually turned into a history of the assembly of a wonderful gifted program from scratch. It will take regular updates by you for that to happen, but of course you should not feel obligated.

We need a big thinker to start a wiki on gifted education. (Calling La Texican! or I could do it.) It could contain a bunch of sample curricula, links to resources, and all kinds of stuff. Information in discussion boards is too scattered and unstructured, though it is user creatable. The Hoagies and Davidson websites have some structure and useful resources and links to such, but are not user creatable or editable except for the discussion boards. (Besides, I've broken my scrolling finger trying to get past that ginormous gray box on the Hoagies page lately.)

Striving to increase my rate of flow, and fight forum gloopiness. sick