I see this so much with dd5. She hid herself from super earlier (before two it was apparent at daycare). Now, at school, I can see they think she's smart but don't see what all the fuss is about. She can tell the time to the minute, but ask her what the time is in front of someone (even if it's a much younger kid) and she'll tell you she doesn't know. She reads with beautiful expression at home, but at school she is monotone as she reads. She's in all the top groups at school and takes her work very seriously despite coming home and saying it's very easy, but she'll never show more than she has asked. She appears to fit in with her ppers because she'll play with any one, but at home says she feels lonely at school.
A while ago on another thread Katelyn'sMom made a comment about having a child that will wait until the box is opened rather than open it herself and that has stayed with me ever since because it is such an apt description of dd. The problem is getting the school to see dd needs it. Because she hides, I look extra pushy.
In contrast a friend of mine has an MG, maybe HG son, who obviously doesn't fit in with his peers. He shows all the signs of the boy in the link posted. Another friend, a teacher, raves about this boy where as I know she thinks I push dd too far (dd, aware she's being evaluated, barely speaks in her presence - needless to say I tend to catch up with her without dd as a rule).