Originally Posted by flower
It is difficult to find good, competent, compassionate, intervention. I would like to have some tests done but am very reluctant to do tests that require sedation or anesthesia.

There are really great therapists and doctors out there though. I would keep a positive attitude and keep trying. We moved on from a couple of therapists but overall I will say that our experience has been FAR more positive and negative and overall has made a very significant difference in quality of life. I would encourage you to be very cheerful and up beat while advocating for what your child needs. "I know this is probably kind of unusual but...." I also confess I'm not above sweetening those exchanges with some homemade baked goods.

As far as hypotonia if she's not been seen by a good pediatric neurologist I do think that's an important step. If her hypotonia is very significant I would also think about a geneticist. Both of those specialists may take a long time to get appointments with. I would encourage you to ask for a good blood panel screening for metabolic disorders.