Thank you. There were two 19s and two 18's. Does the digit span not count?

Yes I have spent a lot of time on this board since finding it too! Very interesting. My daughter could really do with meeting some like children, (although she does have some lovely friends).

School has been really up and down.

They have just had end of year testing and, despite the teacher knowing how clever she is, she has been given the same year 6 test as she got full matks on last year and the year before. It's ridiculous. (She is in year 5 in a uk school)Thankfully, they did decide not to test her in maths this year as, for the past year, the local high school have let her go up to them once a week to work on maths several years ahead. She loves it. That's the only real opportunity she has.

I didn't ask for it, but at the time of the recent IQ testing she also did achievemnet tests. She ceilinged on all of those getting adult level/16+ in reading, spelling, WISC mental arithmetic, BASB arithmetic.

Oh I wish there was DYS here! Colin's mum - glad to hear your son is well in school. I think DD9 has a lovely teacher, but that's not enough and DD goes through very unhappy phases and quite often says she wants to be like ... so and so in her class. If we were still in London I would home ed, but being in a rural area I'm not so sure it would be a good idea.