Thank you, thank you, Thank You, Dottie!
(For this and the reply to the Terranova question)
I had a lightbulb moment when I read your explanation... makes more sense now.
I agree with you about the insanity of 11.6. When I saw it, I thought that it really was some kind of error... not that I don't have faith in my kid, but I've got a fair grasp of where he's at mathmatically and unless they have really, REALLY low expectations for HS Juniors then something didn't add up.
I was told that at the beginning of next school year we'd have a teacher meeting. I know I want to have him tested further (he likes tests, so no stress there), but don't know what ones to ask for. While I like the people at his school on a personal level, I don't have much faith in their knowledge or preparedness for helping DS and others like him.
Can you recommend something in particular that I should ask for?
Any advice is truly appreciated...
and by way of post-script, Thanks from all of us who read your posts. You do a wonderful job of shining light in all of those dark places that all of us questing parents are trying to see into!