Well our first year of homeschooling is done...after a very rough start (the first 6 weeks were a disaster, website didn't work,that was fixed, then k12 accidently uninrolled us,that was fixed, then I had the flu I was down for about 2 weeks) After that it was smooth sailing..what else could it be? We were able to do alot of day trips with them to museums, zoos and other fun places, which we all really enjoyed.

I mostly HS dd6 and my DH mostly HS dd8. dd6 finished 1st grade in March and they sent the 2nd grade material, enevibility she will do the equivalent of a grade skip because she's going through the material so quickly, which with her I perfer it this way instead of a whole grade skip, only because I'm not sure what she knows and doesn't know, this way I can be sure she knows all the material.

With dd8 I fear there's still not much of a challenge for her I didn't work with her as much, but what I did see she just breezed through the material (she was grade skipped in k) she will be going to 4th next year. For the most part she is an independent worker so you just correct her work when she's done...it just seems too easy. The good news is that my DH is wonderful on expanding on her subjects, he's a wealth of information and he makes it interesting.

So how was your year? Any words of wisdom from seasoned hser's

Last edited by Skylersmommy; 06/14/11 07:42 PM.