I have tried really hard to raise DS7 to believe that the learning is more important than the grade. As he finishes first grade, I'm finally starting to see that lesson start to sink in. He doesn't get so worried anymore if his grades are less than 100 (which caused a total meltdown at the beginning of the year) but is very proud of things he has learned. I have also seen him begin to make an effort to make independent efforts to learn. But over the past couple of months, I've noticed that since he has begun to focus on LEARNING, he puts NO effort into showing what he has learned. If he gets an assignment that doesn't challenge him, he rushes through it, often not even reading the entire question before answering it. When I say something about it, he says, "I wasn't learning anything from that." Sigh. Anyway, I love that his focus is on knowledge and not grades. But when he gets older, his grades will determine his ability to get into college and such. I want to start good habits now, and I think I may have made a mistake in downplaying the grades to the point that he doesn't care about them at all. Any tips on how to show him that learning is more important, but he needs to keep his grades up as well?