Thanks for the feedback. I think dd10 is a pretty straight-forward MG/HG? kid, doesn't appear to have any 2e issues, and the only thing that might affect the accuracy of the results would be perfectionism and fear of not having the right answer, which I assume a tester there would be experienced with. I just want the results b/c we will be asking for a grade skip?subject accel. and have to figure out what to do with her for middle school(even if she is *just* MG her scores on Explore and the fact that she has been working a year ahead shows she needs it IMO) so I need the numbers. I figure if we are putting out a lot of $ anyway for testing why not put out some more to get testing that I would really trust was accurate...
MON--I would be seriously annoyed with that kind of report--I hope that isn't our experience!

Thanks for the feedback, I have come to the conclusion that I don't think it is worth using a tester around here so I will try to get an appt. with CTY.