My DD who just turned five has always been stronger in language than math, but could still tell time, add simple things, skip count, etc. by three. She was recently tested and her math concepts were at third grade. She is good at puzzles, found learning to tell time to the minute intuitive, etc, yet it seems that math facts are a weak spot. I don't drill her. She is able to answer MANY facts, yet I am surprised that her astounding memory isn't able to hold and grasp more. I know that may sound awful, but it just seems she interacts with math facts different than anything else we encountered. There is no need for having these mastered now, esp since she is going to K in Sept. and they will barely be going beyond counting, but it seems to me that it would be nice for her to have them in her pocket so she can do more with numbers. She is fine with understanding fractions, the concept of multiplication, etc. but can mess up simple addition. Has anyone else's child shown this pattern? It is the only thing we encountered that didn't seem automatic.