Sajechma, I hear your frustration. We ran into the same issues with our DD not qualifying under IDEA and RTI. We basically heard if she's at or above grade level they don't have to do anything regardless of her IQ. I even had an administrator quote the section prohibiting the use of the old discrepancy model.

While your daughter may not qualify for an IEP, she should qualify for accommodations under a 504 plan. My DD now gets extra time on writing assignments and timed tests. She also is allowed to use a keyboard in class. She is just getting to the point where she types well enough to make this a useful accommodation. She seems to be making fewer of the "b, p, d, q" type of mistakes -- maybe the capital letters on the keyboard help? Her OT says that we should continue to see improvements in spelling -- time will tell on that one. It sounds like your DD would benefit from similar accommodations.