Originally Posted by KansasMom
she's already gotten a bit lazy with "assignments" and likes to create her own rather than be told what to do -- but otherwise she's learned a ton this year.
I could offer another perspective.
1) It's normal (although still a problem) to get lazy with assignments that are 'too far' below the readiness to learn level.
2) One of the nicest solutions is if the child 'self-differentiates,' that is, they take the assignment and 'difficulty it up' so that they can make use of it.

This can go to far and become an inflexible compulsion, so getting the classroom fit 'as best as possible' is important, but a general strategy of self-differentiation can be very useful - if the child is willing!

The idea is getting 'into the ballpark' is what's needed, not having every moment a perfect fit. A fine line to walk, yes?

Best Wishes,

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