We too, are in the same boat. I can try with all my might to get DD to go to bed at 8-8:30pm and even when I take the books away, say lights out, she is still awake til 10:30pm many nights and is up at 6:30am for school. She always says she can't turn her mind off. She will read, and sometimes will keep reading and reading until I end up mad. She does awesome in school, so I try to just reinforce it, but the more I make an issue out of it, the more she stresses that she can't fall asleep. By 10pm I start getting very stern that it is way past bedtime and she needs to be asleep, an hour ago smile. She was that way as a baby too. Never needed much sleep. Once in a while, she'll crash and be asleep by 8:30pm, but that is NOT often!

If it's any consolation about the AR points, by daughter is 920% above goal! NO KIDDING! LOL! The thing people don't understand is, we don't MAKE them sit around and read.... they can't stop themselves from reading. I often laugh and say "how many other people have to TAKE BOOKS AWAY as punishment or threaten to remove all books" ? DD got told she wasn't allowed to take a book to recess, that she had to socialize (which is funny because DD is a social bitterfly, but I know when I have an extra minute to myself and in the middle of an awesome read, I want to spend every free minute I have reading it! Who can blame her! It's her free time. Now she sneeks it under her coat when she goes out to recess if that's what she wants to do smile