DH went to Middle School information night last night. There are a couple points that the teachers brought up that made us wonder:

1. The 6th graders pretty much do things on their own, unlike 7th and 8th graders who are doing things together. The reason given was because "hormonally, they are in different place." For those with children at this age group, is this really the case? Does this affect gifties the same way?

2. The first 2 months in 6th grade will be team building, and teaching the 6th graders the 'intangibles' and there won't be much academic progress during that time. We understand that these intangible skills are important but does it really have to take away from the academic? For 2 months?

3. We're given the option of letting DS10 skip 6th grade. Given the above info (first 2 points), we're not sure what to make of it...

Anyone cares to advise? As always, your experience and insights are truly appreciated.