DS14 learned at age 9. He tryed a few, but liked Mavis Beacon the best because it was 'for little kids' and because there are options where one could switch the theme music, turn off vocal encouragement, and opt out of games.

If was good for teaching him where the keys were, but he got automaticity playing a tetris-like game where one has to type key combinations to make the shapes rotate so he could get them to line up the way he wanted them to.

I thought that it was a great demonstration about how certian skills aren't really mastered until one has to use them 'on the fly.'

But what really got his speed up over 100 wpm (not counting mistakes) was chatting on 'Runescape.' It was the hot MMORPG amoung his friends and he seemed to spend most of his time trying to persuade strangers to trade items with him.

Go figure,

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