mich- We meet with a child psychiatrist next week to confirm the diagnosis and discuss whether or not to medicate. Luckily, I live in smallish community (ie I know the administration personally and they know my children outside of school) and we have good resources (International Baccalaureate starting in 1st grade), laptops are a requirement for all students starting in 5th grade and optional for 4th graders, availability of voice recognition programs through school, etc. ......so, I am getting great cooperation in putting together a 504 for next year. The principal says that we can get an IEP in place once we sort through his needs before he changes schools for middle school in 6th grade.

I guess, what I'm looking for is any of you who have "been there, done that" with the ADHD or writing problems and have any advice on what did or did not work for you. I believe that information is power, so I'm looking for as much info as I can.
