2nd grade DD8 participated in her school spelling bee & then regional spelling bee this year. The school provided both the 2nd and 3rd grade lists from which to study and we worked on both lists for approx 10 minutes each night for two months in advance. Interestingly, DD enjoyed jumping-rope in our living room as I called out the words and she repeated them. This seemed to be enjoyable so we "went with it". Depending on your DS's learning style - he may need to see the words and/or write them prior to repeating.

I highlighted words she missed and only focused on those words as we prepared (with the lists being huge - we didn't have time to review all words each day). As we worked through the words to review, we continued to whittle it down to only those words she struggled with. We didn't use any additional materials to prepare.

At the spelling bee - the 2nd graders went 25 rounds and DD ended up spelling 27 words. All words spelled came directly from the published lists and interestingly - we never made it to any words from 3rd grade list that she had studied.

Hope this is of some help and GL to your DS! It was SO much fun for our DD.

Last edited by TxBombshell; 05/18/11 08:11 AM.