For those of you who have used AOPS, do you have any input on the intro to geometry class? I may well sign up for this math jam if I can be home when it is happening. I'm wondering for dd12 for whom math is decidely not her strong subject.

She's done well with being young for grade and a single full grade skip in terms of math placement. She took accelerated Algebra I this year as an 8th grader and got an A, but she really doesn't pick up math intuitively. Seeing what dd10 did in her 6th grade math class this past year in a different district, I am a little concerned that dd12 hasn't been adequately prepared to high school math. Dd10's 6th grade math came pretty close to hitting on 1/2 of what dd12 covered in 8th grade math. Dd12 will be moving to the same district as dd10 next fall for high school.

Since she takes a bit longer to pick up on math concepts, I don't want her going into Geometry in high school without a really good foundation. What I'm wondering is whether taking intro to Geometry over the summer might be a good set up and whether it would be appropriate for a 12 y/o who is quite good at math if you compare her to the avg kid but for whom it is a personal weakness as compared to other areas where she is a natural?