Hi Graceful Mum, given my current post on reading, perhaps we're not a good example, but dd5 doesn't read at her reading level. She can read pretty much anything these days - she really only stumbles on words she has never heard before and can't pickup from the spelling and context. She likes reading earlish chapter books. In part because she finds the text too small in more complicated books, in part because she's a worrier and if there is any chance of anything scary she's out of there and in part because a lot of more complex books just don't have stories she's interested in reading by herself yet for all the reasons DeHe gave (the story lines just aren't relevant to her yet).

I have no suggestions to offer because, as per my post, she wont even let US read anything beyond these books to her at the moment. But I don't worry so much about what she's choosing to read as long as she's enjoying reading.

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke