Good Morning all. Hope you all had great weekends. I wanted to through out a question to you all, and hope to gain some insight, as well as advice regarding DS5.
He has tested M-H gifted on IQ tests, and his achievement testing was off the charts. He is pretty flexible in most cases (we moved last weekend with no resistance, he goes with the flow and has no resistance to change). He does, however; have extreme obsessions. The past few months, it has been Pop music. He will listen to, read about, watch, and talk about pop music around the clock if allowed. He will listen to Pandora and make lists of which songs he wants to download. He has a LONG list of songs he wants. He can name any song from the first note, and tell you who sings it, if it is "featuring" another "artist", what album it is on.... He loves to play "name that tune" on skype with his long distance cousins (who are 12 and 10 years of age). When he gets in the car he says "I want my station" and is upset if we say no. He looks on Itunes and Youtube if left alone, and is particularly obsessed with the female artists (Lady Gaga and Katy Perri and Britney Spears. He is 5!! He will talk about who has songs that are "explicit" and who has songs that are "clean". Left to his own devices, he could easily "look" at music all day long (he likes to draw the album cover art).
Attempts to limit "music time" are met with "I'M mad at you. I am so so so so angry. Why are you being mean to me" and so on, along with crying.
We enrolled him in music lessons, and he enjoys it, but wants to skip "learning to read music" and jump straight to playing "pop". He uses the word "genre" to describe his "pop" music....
Is this at all normal behavior for a 5 year old boy????
How do we control this. OH, if we take away all music sources. he will dance and sing and beatbox all the songs that are in his head.
He has friends, but they report that he sings all the time at recess.
He is affectionate, loving, has excellent eye contact, reads body language and no sensory issues that are extraordinary.
PLEASE, advice would be great, it is getting very frustrating and upsetting and he will be starting a new school in the fall, where I doubt this will be acceptable behavior.