Hi speechIe
I think Talullah and smacca are right - but I know from experience what it's like too - I have that kid. My DS5s games and imaginary worlds are incredibly elaborate and detailed. At 3.5, younger even he liked to stand on jungle gyms and play toll booth he wanted to do the whole thing, and few kids would get it, we would constantly tell him to explain what he was doing because to the parents he looked like an extortionist - give me money to get on, but he just wanted you to pretend it and he lifted the gate! It's still a problem, which is why we are hopeful for G&T for K, he now makes up things to explain simple games like tag to make them more interesting to himself. So he has adapted, mainly because of pre-k, and I think does get enjoyment out of it but it's not truly satisfying to him because his age mates are just not where he is in terms of interests. I think it gets easier as they get older because the age difference isn't so stark a 6 yr old playing with an 8-10 yr old is not as crazy as a 4 year old wanting to play with one, even if they are reading the same things! But I am luckier than you, DH is the best friend, I'm the sub, so he plays with me but also plays nicely by himself too, although not so much in the park, he stopped wanting to go there around 4.


Last edited by DeHe; 05/13/11 12:41 PM.