1) Give the kids poorly written paragraphs, then have them make it better. Rewrite and fix problems on an overhead after the kids have a go at editing it alone. Editing is a great way to improve writing.

2) When issues consistently show up in multiple papers of the group (e.g. a lot/allot, your/you're), review the issues as a class instead of just commenting on the paper.

3) Give optional extra credit projects using Latin and Greek Roots, diagramming, parts of speech. Give major kudos to the kids who participate.

I already wish my child had you for a teacher; this question tells me you're good. My experience has shown that the really GOOD teachers ask questions, seek to improve, admit mistakes, and collaborate with others; then use their own brains to make the final call. Enjoy your teaching adventure.

Last edited by Sailing; 05/12/11 07:51 PM.