I'm homeschooling this coming fall ...YEA !!
I could tell you more stories about DS correcting his teachers and how we have had to teach him to bite his tongue, but you all have similar stories so I won't bore you.

I thought I had all of his curriculum until my parents came out for a visit. As I have posted in the past my father is a retired Dean with a double PhD. I had him review the curriculum I had picked and he loved most of it except Science.
I have researched and researched this board and several homeschooling boards before I made my decision on Apologia Science. I knew it was Christian based but heard it was thorough and it had book, tests and DVD it seemed complete. DS loves to hold and read books and that was his only request when it came to picking material.

Well Dad tore it up...He said the material is good but it was not "true" in a lot of the Christan undertones. It was very slanted and that worried him.
Now Dad has a PhD in Marine Biology (MS in Bio) and his other PhD is in Theology. He is very religious but
he obviously believes in evolution and is very serious about science. Dad thinks DS should just get a freshman College text (DS will be in 6th next year) and read that.
I want something more organized and I want the material to be correct. I have been to a lot of the text review webpages and pretty much there are so many errors in the textbooks reviewed I don't know where to turn...

So Here I am again...HELP !!! :-)

What are you using with your children? What have you heard to be a GOOD program?