Three of my kids are in montessori as well - a public charter - DD6 (2E, VSL, auditory/visual/sensory processing issues, slow processing speed/working memory issues), DS5 (clearly 2E also, same issues, though not entirely tested yet) and DS5 (the neglected one). At least a couple of the teachers have promised me that if necessary, they will get materials from the upper level classrooms. So far I am happy. They have likewise responded well to my specific requests. One of them even pointed out to me a perfectionism issue with DS5 (the neglected one) and is trying to help (he had been choosing only easy works, and the teacher figured out that he is afraid to make mistakes, so she's trying to build up his self-confidence by requiring him to do a few harder works each day, that she knows he is capable of - all on her own initiative. I'm very pleased that she spotted the issue because I didn't see it).

For the time being, the teachers have all seemed very flexible. My biggest irritation is the first grade homework, which apparently is photocopied out of some sort of workbook, and has widely varying degrees of difficulty on each page (e.g., a question on fractions, a word problem requiring multiplication, along with simple addition). I'm starting to wonder if it's written that way on purpose, to deal with different levels (not that it's well-written by any means, but it at least would be a reason - a dumb one, but a reason). All the first graders in DD's class (which also has second and third graders) get the same homework regardless of what they're doing in class, which doesn't make sense, but it's not the end of the world for now. I'm sorta waiting for these 2E issues to shake out as we get through a whole bunch of therapy this year. I guess I shouldn't complain about the homework too much, since it did spur a long discussion the other night about multiplication - DD is very interested and wants to multiply all the time now LOL except only by certain numbers - and I don't know how to teach her the rest (if she'll even let me).

I didn't mean to be so long-winded here - I haven't even formulated the questions I have about the montessori curriculum in 2E situations; they're lurking somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind for now. Considering the current state of my kids, though it's not perfect, it's hard to imagine a better school situation, since I don't know of any schools nearby who would deal well with their 2E-ness (and the local public elementary school, which is supposedly very good, was not helpful at all for dd - she just floated along doing average in K and no one noticed a thing - we have done all of her testing privately since then). Plus, it seems to me that the montessori teaching materials, being so hands-on and visual, are so much more effective for my kids' visual strengths/auditory weaknesses than regular school is. But I have no idea how learning takes place in a gifted classroom. Is it more like a traditional sit-and-listen classroom? We'll take it one year at a time... (and if only I could homeschool, but my sweet little introverted DD has a major oppositional behavior problem directed solely at me - what is up with that. makes even doing homework a nightmare.)