- what made you choose it?
We hadn't originally planned on it, but as oldest DD neared school age, she had some issues which made us worry how school would work out. She was intellectually advanced but somewhat immature, very kind to others but somewhat fragile, and had some sensory issues (textures, loud sounds, etc). The issues were never crippling, and have gotten a lot less severe as she's grown up, but at the time they did make us concerned. Now that we're doing it though, we don't really have any thought of stopping unless she wants to.
- from what age did you start homeschooling?
From the beginning.
- do you follow a very structured timetable or do you go with the flow?
We started very casual, close to unschooling. As she aged we've gone more towards organization, and with DS we've been a bit more organized from the start since it seems to work out for him.
- what do you think of unschooling for younger kids?
Part of the advantage of homeschooling is that you can base what you're doing on the kid; for some kids it works great.
- do you only follow the required information type learning or do you go indepth as much as your child wants before moving on?
We definitely go deep on anything that is a point of interest, but we also have a baseline even on things they aren't into at the moment.

- what advice would you give to someone starting this with young children?
There are tons of resources available online. The journey is a marathon not a sprint, so don't freak out about small setbacks.
- what would you change if you could start home schooling over again?
I don't really have any big "wish I'd done that" items. Not everything is a success, but we see how things are going and adjust when problems arise.