My 5 year old starts kindergarten in the fall. Because she already knew her letters, numbers, shapes, and colors I saw no reason to put her in preschool. We did an early enrollment kindergarten because her birthday is at the end of december so she will be an older kindergartener. She now knows how to read and can add and subtract single digit numbers. The only things I think they go over in kindergarten that she doesn't know are money and time though she does know the time on the hour and half hour. She has problems with doing the work if she has done it before. She gets really bored and says she can't. I know she does this only when she is bored, because when we do new stuff she is so excited. She takes ballet and the teacher has told me she is really talented because she only has to show her once and she can do it. She is the oldest of four and her 4 year old sister is showing some of the same signs just with a better attitude about relearning. Does anyone have any advice for me? None of my kids have been tested I can't afford it, but I thought they would get tested in school am I wrong? Because if so I will find the money some how so that they are taught and not just left waiting.