Not correcting spelling errors in writing drives me nuts. DS5 teacher doesn't correct them either. At least that was my impression from the very few things I saw from his LA (don't let me start on that).

I am not happy about it. First of all as INTJ I need things to be right, you know? smile Second of all DS5 has amazing memory (like all gt kids I am sure) and when he writes a word incorrectly a few times he then thinks that his spelling is correct.

If he writes something at home I correct the spelling. At the beginning I used to correct only major mistakes and leave the smaller ones, now I correct everything.

When he started writing more he made more mistakes than when he typed on the computer without a spell checker. I think he put so much concentration into writing that he didn't see obvious mistakes. It's not a problem anymore, but you could see a clear difference just a few months ago. He is a very good speller though (4:0, 162 on WJ-III).

Questions, it could be that your son doesn't check what he wrote. He writes it and never reads it again. I am guilty of that myself, who has time for that? wink If you could get him to double check his writing it would probably help a lot. Could you ask his teacher to start correcting his errors? Or could you make a deal with DS that you will correct his spelling on the work he brings home?
