Orson, there is also a Regional forum on this site where you might find more information about schools in your area that focus on children like your DS.

Have you searched for educational counseling specialists in your area that might be able to help you find other schools or resources? These are typically the folks who administer IQ and achievement testing, and many of them also provide educational counseling services. A good way to find them is to post here in the Regional or ID/Testing forum (I think, I'm pretty new to this forum still) or get on private school websites in your area and find their list of people who will administer testing for admissions. We found ours by posting a question to our local neighborhood parents group.

We have a private school in the Denver area, the Mackintosh Academy, that caters to gifted children and gifted children who are twice exceptional. We have family in the Boston area whose son with Aspergers is in a public school receiving the services he needs, both for his intellect and his aspergers. Have you contacted any of the schools you're looking at out of state to see if they know of similar schools closer to you? Just trying to brainstorm ideas that might help you find what you're looking for. Kudos to you for your determination to get your son into a better situation.

Last edited by Coll; 04/27/11 03:41 PM.