I think I should have started a new thread when I asked this. Sorry! Thanks for any answers you have!

Originally Posted by LDmom
I'm grateful for the DYS, extended norms thread. Thank you to all who answered and to Rockpeaguac for asking!

Please excuse my questions. Although I'm not new to giftedness research, I previously didn't have to research IQ testing much because I didn't plan to have DS tested, at least till much later. We now feel we have a need to do it and have an appointment for this week and it's not something we're paying lots of money for so I'm not sure how much I can ask for from the psych.

My questions:

1. If DS8 hits ceilings on the WISC IV, will he automatically qualify for extended norms scoring or will I have to consult the psych again to score the extended norms? Can I consult another psych to score the extended norms since the first psych is doing it for us for cheaper and may not do more than just the standard Wisc? Or can I actually compute the extended norms on my own from the Tech Report?

2. DS doesn't usually do well in math for timed tests although math is his current all-consuming passion. Rock mentioned how her son is obsessed about one thing after another and my DS is the same. Yet he scored lowest in math for the Explore recently and I know it's due to running out of time. Given the number of questions he missed, he still exceeds the grade-related DYS minimum so I believe he must have answered correctly for most of the questions. But I'm a little nervous about the Wisc and I'd love to hear about others' testing experience, especially for kids who don't like to be timed.

Thank you!