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The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) offers free access to information in a clear, conversational style on many topics related to learning disabilities: IEP & 504 Plan, a parent guide to IDEA, articles on behavior and bullying, and downloadable resources are provided on their website.

Sharing the link to their webpage of types of learning disabilities may be one way to acquaint teachers with LDs if they are unfamiliar with or skeptical about dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD, or executive function disorders.

Checklists, a meeting planner, and worksheet are available to walk parents through the process, familiarize them with next steps, and help them prepare.

A touching essay describes a student's personal experience with 2e.

There is link to How To Report a 504 Violation ( which provides another collection of helpful links to explore. Material is provided in a series of interrelated articles, each one conveniently bite-sized and focused on a single facet of information.

NCLD is listed on the Davidson Database here and here.

Thank you!
NCLD and several other organizations have collaborated to provide, "a free online resource for parents of kids with learning and attention issues", which launches soon.
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